Three days of “Agra Protection Network” events for wind farms in Agrafa (Video)

Ημερίδα ενημέρωσης για τα Αιολικά στα Άγραφα

Ημερίδα ενημέρωσης για τα Αιολικά στα Άγραφα. Montanema HandmadevillageFriends

Posted by Καρδίτσα LiveStreaming on Friday, 15 November 2019


On the 15th and 17th of November, the Network of Entities and Citizens for the Protection of Agrafas organized informational events with the presence of foreign and Greek press correspondents in order to highlight the negative impacts on the ecosystem and biodiversity of the mountain range from the planned industrial installation. It would also appear that these facilities undermine the mild tourism development of the area. “Watch the video of the event”